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Training videos,  meme library, social media calendar + support for Chiropractic Assistants

Yes, I'm ready!

Chiros, have you Googled yourself lately?

If people can't find out more about you online, they are less likely to take steps to contact you.


That's extra energy they don't have when they're struggling with pain and health issues. 



They need to see photos and videos of what to expect...


When they are desperate for answers, searching for hope, why would we ask them to trust us without any social proof? Give them a plate-glass window into your office through social media.


I talked to a chiropractor who had been in practice for 40 years. During that time he went from being the leading doctor in his area to being (in his own words) INVISIBLE.


As he tried to implement new strategies for marketing, it seemed to be too late. Within a year, he decided to retire.

Stop acting like a dinosaur, or you too will go EXTINCT!


We have a sacred trust to represent chiropractic well and to educate more people about health from Above Down Inside Out! 


For chiropractors and their teams!


A self-paced course + group coaching + monthly downloads & graphics. 


(Basically a delicious marketing brownie mix - we've got the base and the instructions so you can add your photos/videos and post!)

Jump straight to the details!


Adjust Your Marketing Blueprint

Video Training Course:  

In these easy-to-watch videos we cover: 

  • Branding, and Mindset
  • Website and Office, 
  • Instagram and Facebook, 
  • Creating and Scheduling Content, 
  • Hashtags and Engagement, 
  • Ads and Collaborations

Printed course manual & team meeting notebook - need to review something from the videos? The manual has bullet points, plus worksheets.


Hub of Tools & Downloads

  • Printed wall calendar of prompts - your entire year of social media topics and prompts planned out.
  • Graphic Library with over 1,000 ready-made images focused on chiropractic, plus the Canva template links so you can customize them. And we are adding more!
  • Bank of caption templates and hashtags 
  • PDFs of brochures, posters and checklists 


Group Coaching

  • Monthly group Zoom calls
  • Support and accountability by call or email
  • Updates on trends & new tutorials on-demand!


What Your CA wants for Christmas!


"I absolutely love the calendar, it's incredibly organized and exactly what I needed. Best Regards." Sofia, Chiropractic Assistant


"The workbook was extremely helpful to specifically gauge our patients' interests." Jenn, Chiropractic Assistant


"...the educational captions and ideas to copy and paste into your post This has saved me countless times!" Jillian, Chiropractic Assistant



⬇⬇ Take a Tour Inside the Membership ⬇⬇

Ok, I want to join!

3 "Reasons" You Wanna Say No


Hey, I'm Jenna Quentin!

As a social media strategist, I founded Adjust Your Media, where I’ve coached hundreds of chiropractors online to use organic social media & content marketing to change the health of the world. For DCs who want to delegate, I manage their accounts with organic content & connection.

After freelance writing for 15 years, I now work exclusively with chiropractors.

My heart for chiropractic has grown from personal experiences of how it has helped my family. I’m a firefighter wife & hippy mom of 4. We believe faith is the keystone of our life, in simple things done well, and thriving, not just surviving. 

I'm passionate about sharing the message of health from the inside out with the world. I want my children to grow up in a generation that considers chiropractic as regular wellness care.

Hey, I'm Jill Cherry

Wife to Jason. Momma to Benji Kai. Fur Momma to two German Shepherds and Owner of Cherry Picked Web Co. 

I love working with Chiropractors, but we’ve also worked with many online coaches, consultants, realtors, real estate investors, ecomm store owners and experts ready to take their business to the next level. 

 We work with those who want to serve more people.

I understand the science, philosophy and art of Chiropractic and how to communicate it well. I also know what it takes to run an office. That is why I’ve chosen a niche in Chiropractic. We are a Chiropractic family through and through. 

My goal is to get as many people through your doors so that Chiropractic can change their lives, just as it has changed mine. It has become my passion to support and serve the Chiropractic community with everything I got, instead, in the space of websites and all things design.

I’m a lover of Jesus and all things outdoors. Most of my weekends are spent on the ball field cheering on my favorite player #23.

The Truth About Digital Marketing

People Are Online:

On average in 2024, Americans spend 2 hours and 16 minutes per day on social media. YES, your patients and prospective patients on online. (Statista)


Most Visited Websites Globally:

Google, YouTube Facebook and Instagram.


Insta Is Queen:

If you serve families, you know moms make a lot of health decisions. 70% of Instagrammers are under 34 years, and 48.2% of Instagram users are women.

People Need Multiple Interactions: 

Google suggests buyers need 7 hours of content over 11 interactions, preferably in 4 places before making a purchase!!! (CannyBites)


Your Website Can Build Legitimacy:

According to Forbes, 71% of businesses had a website in 2023. If you don't have a clear, functional website, people can't research and vet you. Especially if the chiropractor across town has a better online presence.  


Don't Waste Time & Money.

There's a better way to do this than guesswork or expensive ads. ⬇⬇⬇


How Adjust Your Media helped...


"Accountability has resulted in us staying active & our engagement staying up because of what we learned & achieved with your coaching."

  • Streamlining an effective plan for posts.
  • Ideas for posts that I didn't think of before.
  • You were up to date on trends in apps & posts.
  • Our engagement has increased because of your recommendations.
  • Our social media looks organized & "pretty."
  • Coaching held me accountable to stay on top of social media goals.   

Katy Hilton, Director of Client Development, 

Winner’s Edge Chiropractic Consulting 


"Jenna & Adjust Your Media have had great tips
& tricks for managing your social media on your own, seeing when you need help, all while keeping it geared towards chiropractors without being slimy. I keep watching the videos and emails because it makes me feel like I can do it!"

 Dr. Jo Nell


The Cherry Picked Web Co. Experience...


"Jill and her team provided a first-class experience from the first interaction.

She was accommodating to our schedule and has always made herself available to us. She took all of our ideas and feedback and turned it into a website we LOVE!

Jill’s authenticity was apparent from our first call and has continued to shine through the entire building and launch process." 

Swain Chiropractic


"I've been working with Jill for several months, and it's clear that she's committed to customer support and success.

As an independent web designer and content creator, I appreciate her responsiveness and her platform's ease of use and versatility.

She makes it easy to please clients by providing all the necessary tools. I recommend her services without reservation."

John Napolitano

I wanna tell ROI to RIP! 

There is more than way to calculate the value of marketing. First, remember that it is different than sales! We are building awareness and engagement. 


What's the lifetime value of 1 chiropractic patient (most tell us it's between $1k-$3k.) So just one new patient would cover the investment in this course.


HOWEVER, what's the real value of one person's life being changed by chiropractic? PRICELESS

Here are some questions that help determine if your digital marketing is working.

  • New Patient Paperwork - add this question: “Do you follow us on social media? If not, here's our handle!”

  • Is your office growing?

  • Is your reputation growing?

  • Do patients talk about your content?

  • Are you checking your insights on your website and social media channels and using that to make better content?

Yes, sign me up!

More Happy Clients' Stories!


Support & accountability 

We're always available, either in the private Facebook group or by email to help you work through issues or problems. We also provide updates on the everchanging digital landscape.

Add Your Team - No limit to the number of users. 

Your chiropractic assistants or family members can join the Facebook group at no extra charge & access the membership.

Mobile app

Access the training videos and everything inside the hub from your phone with Kajabi's mobile app.

Account Audits

Jenna will review your social media accounts on a live call & email you 3-5 suggestions that you can implement immediately. (Probably the best bonus ever.) Just ask & we'll set it up.

Monthly Payments


3 months upfront

  • BONUS: Personal account audit from Jenna!
  • Video Course
  • Printed manual
  • Printed 2024 calendar: Strategy planned for you
  • Printed Team Meeting notebook
  • Caption templates & hashtags
  • Graphic Library + Canva templates
  • Printables library - brochures & templates
  • Accountability & support
  • Monthly live coaching calls
Yes, I want in!

Join now!


12 months of access

  • Video Course
  • Printed manual
  • Printed 2024 calendar: Strategy planned for you
  • Printed Team Meeting notebook
  • Caption templates & hashtags
  • Graphic Library + Canva templates
  • Printables library - brochures & templates
  • Accountability & support
  • Monthly live coaching calls
Yes, I'm ready to join!



Ok, let's do this!